Formulario de Check-in Online a rellenar por mis huéspedes


2 comentarios

  • Gustavo Cardozo



    Some of my customers are having trouble filling the check-in form. I just received the following message from one of my customers:

    Hi Gustavo, I have a little trouble filling out your form. It requires to upload a file, but it doesn't say which file is required. Also, I can press "add guest", but then nothing happens, there is no input field for the name of the second guest (my husband). I tried in Chrome and Edge. Can you please help me? Thanks.... Gabriela

    Can you please help to solve this problem?

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  • Maria

    Hi Gustavo, 

    thank you for your comment. 
    Please open a support ticket from the Help section of your account and we will check it out for you. 
    Thank you in advance,
    Smoobu Team

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