Smoobu can send prices and minimum lengths of stay to Agoda.
If this is not working please check the following page:
Check if we have all data we need:
- currency
- the number of persons which are included in base rate
- the additional price per person
- the maximum number of persons
Then try to send the rates again and it should work. Please let us know if it doesn't.
I have just discovered that prices on smoobu has not sync'ed with prices on agoda for some reason. Can you please look into it for me? -- it is reflected on the booking received in Jan. I then checked back into Agoda, and it does not appear to be the same as smoobu's.
Best regards
Hi Jake
Thanks for reaching out to the team.
Please note this Resource/Help centre cannot provide 1-to-1 support in the comments section. In the future we recommend you to please open a ticket from your Smoobu session "Help" for quick assistance from the Smoobu team.
Kind regards
Caitriona from Smoobu
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