What is Smoobu Dynamic Pricing?
Smoobu Dynamic Pricing is a powerful tool for vacation rental owners and managers, enabling automatic price adjustments based variety of factors such: occupancy rates, demand, seasonality, and more. By analyzing these variables, it maximizes revenue potential and occupancy rates through optimal, real-time pricing for each night.
Who may use Smoobu Dynamic Pricing?
Smoobu Dynamic Pricing is exclusively available for Professional Smoobu users. If you're currently on a 14-day trial or using Smoobu Basic, subscribe today to unlock Smoobu Dynamic Pricing and take your property management to the next level!
How much does Smoobu Dynamic Pricing cost?
Pricing costs €12,99 per month per accommodation. The amount is prorated for yearly and 2 year subscriptions. This means that if you have a yearly subscription but only 6 months remain until renewal, you'll be charged for 6 months on Smoobu Dynamic Pricing.
Yearly and 2-year discounts do not apply to Smoobu Dynamic Pricing. Exclusive conditions apply for BETA testers.
Does Smoobu Dynamic Pricing offer a free trial?
Absolutely! Every Professional may user receives a 30-day free trial to explore the full value Smoobu Dynamic Pricing offers. After the trial period, you’ll be automatically charged unless you disable Smoobu Dynamic Pricing beforehand.
How do I set up Smoobu Dynamic Pricing?
Discover our step-by-step guide to seamlessly set up Smoobu Dynamic Pricing and optimize your pricing strategy
What are the different connection statuses?
Accommodation is not connected to Smoobu Dynamic Pricing. Address, Rooms & Beds and Amenities must be added in order to connect. |
Accommodation is the process of being connected to Smoobu Dynamic Pricing. |
Smoobu Dynamic Pricing is successfully connected. |
We currently lack sufficient data in your specific location for dynamic pricing. We may still be able to provide service. If you have listings that fall into this category, please send us a ticket. |
Connection could not be established. Please reach out to us here. |
You have disabled Smoobu Dynamic Pricing for this accommodation. |
How often does Smoobu Dynamic Pricing update?
Prices are continuously updated to reflect real-time market conditions.
Does Smoobu Dynamic Pricing control minimum nights?
No, Smoobu Dynamic Pricing does not adjust minimum night requirements.
Do I need Base Prices entered in the Calendar / Pricing page first?
While not mandatory, we highly recommend setting Base Prices on your Calendar/Pricing page for optimal performance.
Can I set a minimum and maximum price?
Yes, you can! Go to Settings / Dynamic Pricing, select your accommodation, and set the minimum and maximum prices.
Establishing a clear Minimum Price ensures you cover all operational costs, even in low-demand periods. Meanwhile, a Maximum Price helps you create a threshold during high-demand times by setting a pricing cap tailored to your revenue strategy.
Can I adjust the level of pricing aggressiveness or conservativeness?
No, it is not possible to control the aggressiveness or conservativeness - Our recommended prices strike the perfect balance between the two. They’re designed to help you maximize both revenue and occupancy, offering an optimal rate to enhance your listing’s performance on both fronts.
Can I use Smoobu Dynamic Pricing for only certain accommodations and not others?
Certainly! You may activate Smoobu dynamic pricing for the accommodations of your choice.
Where do we get our data from?
We obtain our data through strategic collaborations with top industry data partners and revenue management software. These partnerships provide access to millions of data points, which are meticulously analyzed and integrated into advanced machine learning models.
Does Smoobu Dynamic Pricing consider special events in the region of my property?
Yes! The model is developed to project local demand based on yearly events like New Year's Eve or Christmas and other annual events on variable dates. These special events are identified and demand is tracked based on your location.
How does Smoobu Dynamic Pricing analyze my booking history?
The model evaluates how your home has performed historically in comparison to nearby similar listings and the broader market. This analysis enables the model to capture traveler demand for your distinctive home and recognize the unique qualities that set it apart from other similar properties in the area.
How are prices calculated?
Smoobu Dynamic Prices calculates the optimal price based on:
- Seasonality Impact - Pricing adjusts based on the time of year.
- Local Demand Impact - Considers local events, holidays, occupancy rates, and other factors that affect demand in your area.
- Listing Availability Impact - Optimizes prices for shorter availability gaps (1-3 nights), offering slight discounts to improve booking chances.
- Time Factor - Includes last-minute adjustments, where prices shift as available dates approach.
- Min/Max Restrictions - Ensures prices stay within your set limits if recommendations exceed the max or fall below the min.
Can I use two dynamic pricing tools at the same time?
No, Smoobu Dynamic Pricing cannot operate alongside other dynamic pricing tools.
Can I override prices set by Smoobu Dynamic Pricing?
Yes, you can override prices in bulk or for specific days. Please see this guide under 3b: Prices: synchronize rates including Price and Minimum length of stay 🎥
Can I revert prices I override back to the prices from Smoobu Dynamic Pricing?
Yes, simply click the circular arrows to reset the prices back to prices to those from Smoobu Dynamic Pricing.
Can I revert to prices from before I started using Smoobu Dynamic Pricing?
No, unfortunately, it’s not possible to revert to your previous prices before you started using Smoobu Dynamic Pricing.
How does Smoobu Dynamic Pricing impact pricing on booking portals such as Airbnb?
Based on our algorithm, Smoobu Dynamic Pricing will establish a Base Price in your Calendar/Pricing tab. This price will then sync automatically to portals like Airbnb and Booking.com, incorporating any percentage adjustments you’ve configured.
How to disconnect Smoobu Dynamic Pricing?
We're sorry to hear you wish to stop using Smoobu Dynamic Pricing. We would be happy to answer any questions and highly appreciate any feedback. Please open a ticket from here, and an expert will get back to you as soon as possible.
To stop using Smoobu Dynamic Pricing for an accommodation, please toggle off the feature for the desired accommodation(s).
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