By connecting to Smoobu, you decided to manage your booking portals’ nightly rates from Smoobu - this will make life a lot easier!
Some considerations:
- First, you should verify that your Standard rate is connected to the booking portals. This applies to Agoda, Expedia and Under "Settings -> Booking Portals --> (Portal) Additional price settings" you have to make sure that you select the "Standard rate" in the list
- All other rates, e.g. breakfast included, non-refundable rates, etc., should be managed directly through the portal websites / extranets
- Keep in mind that the prices that you enter in Smoobu will overwrite your current prices on the booking portals, replacing the standard base rates
- Make sure your standard base rate always refers to the same number of guests in all booking portals, see Standard base rate management for
If you don't want to manage the rates through Smoobu, also read how to turn off the rate synchronization and edit the rates directly in the portals. For Airbnb, you will need to temporarily disconnect Smoobu to do this: Disconnect Only ONE of Your Units from Airbnb Sync with Smoobu / pause your connection
In Smoobu, you can enter prices on the "Calendar" tab. The prices that you enter there will serve as the nightly rates on your listings.
For your Website (built with Smoobu or externally)
To turn these prices into occupancy based prices, you have to enter the price for the additional guests in the Booking System, e.g. for the website. To do this, click on Settings - Booking System, enter a number of guests included and an amount per extra guest (either a fixed amount or percentage (%)) under "Extra guests / night".
For example, the price entered in Smoobu's Calendar applies to 2 guests in the example below. Starting at the 3rd person on, 15 EUR per day will be charged, for the 4th person another 15 EUR and so on.
For Airbnb
Also for Airbnb you can enter an extra guest fee from Smoobu. To do this, click on "Settings - Booking portals - Additional Price Settings Airbnb". Select the accommodation for which you want to enter the personal price.
Under "Guests included" enter the number of people for whom the Base price entered under the Calendar section is for. Under "Price per extra guest" enter the costs for additional guests. You can enter only one value, which will be calculated the same for all additional guests.
For instance, the price entered in Smoobu is valid for 2 guests. From the 3rd person on 15 EUR per day will be charged, for the 4th person another 15 EUR and so on.
Agoda and Feratel
Also for Agoda and Feratel it is possible to enter the personal prices in Smoobu under "Settings - Booking portals - Agoda/Price settings or Feratel/Price settings". This setting must match that in the portal.
For all other portals, the cost for the additional guests is entered in the extranet of the respective portal.
In, the price for additional guests is entered in EUR or in percentage.
However, one should, if one has advertised a property on several portals, have the standard base rate changed in to the lowest number of occupants possible and work with surcharges. To do this, you only need to access your Extranet to modify the base rate set up.
Please go to your Rates & Availability --> Pricing per guest and change the settings of your Standard Rate to a custom one.
Also, you might want to read the following article about entering standard base prices: Standard base rate management for
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