What's the price breakdown in Smoobu's imported bookings? (applies to Statistics)



  • Yoko Property Ltd

    Hi Team,

    Whilst I appreciate the constant evolution - I would say this feature does not help.

    What I need to see here is the Total Price paid by the Guest - this would be the Rental Fee + Cleaning Fee or what I call the "Gross Price". This is because I base my calculations and payment to my investors based on this Gross Price.

    In addition, tools like Wishbox will use this new price and when sending booking confirmations to the guest which means they see a lower price and they will question why the price is like this.

    I think the new pricing may be helpful in certain circumstances - but needs to be its own section elsewhere and the main Price should show the "Gross Price" only.

    Again I appreciate the constant evolution of the Smoobu tool - but this really needs to change else we will have to make manual changes to all bookings.

    Many Thanks

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  • Caitriona

    Hi there

    Thank you for your comments. Please note this Resource/Help centre cannot provide 1-to-1 support in the comments section.

    In the future we recommend you to please open a ticket from your Smoobu session "Help" for quick assistance from the Smoobu team.

    Kind regards

    Caitriona from Smoobu

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  • L. S.

    Dear Smoobu Team,
    We user the API to retrieve bookings.
    We Appreciate your goodwill to try to satisfy all customers.

    However, in this case, you broke a working functionality, you changed the specs of how things were already working consistently.

    While we accept the right of other PM to make calculations based on the "gross-price", we take commisions based on the "Payout Price", how much did Airbnb/others deposited into the bank account.

    So I see a few options:
    1) Roll back the change and make the UI and the API to report correct payout price as the important price. 
    2) show (UI), and allow exporting "gross Price" so everyone is happy

    3) Offer "Payout price" in UI and allow exporting and make available through API

    4) Offer "Commission" in API, so I can make the math using the API.

    Notewothy is: Smoobu as a PMS should make accounting and bank reconciliation possible. with your change you broke that functionality. Please allow exporting and API access to payout price.


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