What is Rate Plan?
A rate plan is a combination of different factors that make up a booking. These include cancellation policies, prices, number of days between booking and check-in, length of stay, room or unit type, and meals if they’re available.
Examples of Rate Plans
Early Booker, Flexible, Non-refundable, Weekly or Monthly rate plans. Or you can create your own custom rate that fits your business needs.
How to add a Rate Plan?
- Log in to the Extranet
- Click Rates & Availability and select Rate plans
- Click Add new rate plan
- Choose the type of rate plan you want to add, then click Add rate plan
- On the next page, set up the details of your rate plan, then click Review
- Click Activate rate plan
Smoobu and Rate Plans
The rates and min nights in Smoobu's Calendar tab synchronize with one rate plan, most often the Standard Rate.
To view the rate plan your rates and min nights are syncing to, please click Settings / Booking Portals / Additional Price Settings on Booking.com line. Here is a direct link.
Other Rate Plans
You are free to create other rate plans.
For rate plans such as non-refundable or flexible, we advise to connect these rates plans to the Standard Rate (synced from Smoobu) for where they derive their rates, minimum nights, restrictions and availability.
To do so, please contact Booking.com from your Booking.com Extranet like so:
- Click on Inbox, then click on Booking.com messages.
- Select See contact options, then select a topic and subtopic if applicable.
- Click on See all contact options, then click on Message.
- Compose your message and click Send message.
We suggest using the following template:
“Dear Booking.com team,
I need the following setting from you and the individual steps have been agreed with the connectivity team:
1. The rate "[Rate_plan_name]" has to be set as XML res rate. This setting is done via edit rate category settings.
2. Once this is done, the rate relation must be set. Please make sure to click on follow restrictions and follow open/closed. Please reply as soon as this has been done.
Kind regards,
Please use the following template to enable the ability to add restrictions to your rate plans.
“Dear Booking.com team,
I need the following setting from you and the individual steps have been agreed with the connectivity team:
1. Open "Edit restrictions rights''
2. Please set the following restrictions to "edit": minimum stay through, release until, closed on arrival and closed on departure.
Please reply as soon as this has been done.
Kind regards,
Once this has been activated by Booking.com, the following restrictions can be added:
-Minimum and Maximum advanced reservations (lead time): Booking.com instructions here.
-Arrival and Departure days: Booking.com instructions here.
-Minimum or maximum length of stay: Booking.com instructions here.
Which Booking.com reservations will be imported into Smoobu?
Please go to your Booking.com Extranet. Click Rates and Availability Calendar.
-Reservations from Rate Plans that are not labeled (example Standard and Non-refundable Rate)
-Reservations from Rate Plans Not XML with the following text "This rate plan is not linked to your connectivity provider and can be edited through the extranet. You will still receive your reservations via connectivity provider." (example Non-refundable). Both of these indicate a rate plan is XML Res.
-Reservations from Rate Plans Not XML with following text "This rate plan is not linked to your connectivity provider and can be edited through the extranet. You will receive reservations via email."
Should your Rate Plans show with the above text, please write to Booking.com from Booking.com Extranet.
- Click on Inbox, then click on Booking.com messages.
- Select See contact options, then select a topic and subtopic if applicable.
- Click on See all contact options, then click on Message.
- Compose your message and click Send message.
We suggest using the following template:
“Dear Booking.com team,
I need the following setting from you and the individual steps have been agreed with the connectivity team:
1. The rate "[Rate_plan_name]" has to be set as XML res rate. This setting is done via edit rate category settings.
2. Once this is done, the rate relation must be set. Please make sure to click on follow restrictions and follow open/closed. Please reply as soon as this has been done.
Kind regards,
Opening Rate Plans / Room Status
1. Go to Booking.com Extranet
2. Click Rates & Availability, then Open / Close Rooms.
3. We recommend filling this screen out for minimum 2 years
Occupancy Based Pricing / Pricing for Extra Guests
Pricing for additional guests are managed in the Booking.com Extranet.
Please click Rates & Availability / Pricing Per Guest.
Further reading on this topic is here: Standard base rate management, occupancy based pricing and additional guests in Smoobu
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