How to automatically block 1 to 5 days between your bookings for ALL portals 🎥



  • Caitriona

    Hi there

    If you wish to prevent arrivals on the same date of a booking departure we would suggest having a block for both before and after a booking. 

    With back to back bookings, it will not add 2 days of a block, just one as per your settings.

    If you would like further clarity on same please reach out to us by opening a ticket.

    Kind regards

    Caitriona from Smoobu

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  • Colette Kent PT246148519


    I would like to block only one day between bookings on 4 of my properties. 

    If I block one day before and one day after, will that mean I end up with 2 days blocked for back to back bookings?

    If I block only one day after each booking, will I potentially get a booking that checks out on the same day that the other arrives?

    Kind regards,


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  • Philipp Kunhardt

    Colette's question was not a 1-to-1 support question. Would have been interesting for all of us to hear about the logic behind these settings. I think that was what she was asking about..

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  • Caitriona

    Hi Colette,

    Thank you for your comment, please note this Resource/Help centre cannot provide 1-to-1 support in the comments section.

    In the future we recommend you to please open a ticket from your Smoobu session "Help" for quick assistance from the Smoobu team

    Kind regards,

    Caitriona from Smoobu 

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