If you use Atraveo/Tuivillas and want to synchronize your bookings via Smoobu with other Booking portals in near real time in your calendar, here we explain you how to set it up.
Please note: Prior Atraveo/TUI Bookings that you received before the connection was established must be entered manually into Smoobu. Only future bookings will be transferred automatically.
How to connect
Go to Smoobu to Configuration- Booking Portals - Select portals - Search for Atraveo/Tuivillas, and add.
1. In Smoobu: Add your Atraveo Owner number to Smoobu (This number corresponds to your landlord login name) then click Save.
2. In Smoobu: copy the 6 digit Accommodation number
3. In Atraveo/TUI: Click My Properties / Edit / Description: "Your own property ID of the holiday accommodation". Add the 6 digit number(s) from Smoobu. Do this for each listing.
4. In Atraveo/TUI: Go to "Interfaces" in Atraveo and add the Availability link (Link to availability interface on the left) from Smoobu to the interface.
It is enough to add the Availability interface to Atraveo/TuiVillas. The link to the reservation interface does not need to be inserted anymore, as Atraveo/TuiVillas has made an update. It is no longer required to be manually added.
Where to add your Owner Number in Smoobu
Where to find your Availability link in Smoobu
Where to find your Accommodation 6-digit number in Smoobu
I cannot see my past Atraveo/TUIvillas bookings in Smoobu yet
Remember, prior Atraveo/TUIvilla bookings before connection are not imported automatically, and they must be entered manually into Smoobu, like so (see screenshot above: Portal chosen is Atraveo/TUI).
All future bookings will be transferred automatically.
Price sync with Atraveo / TuiVillas
If you do this connection, Atraveo/TuiVillas price synchronization will be enabled.
Please note that Smoobu will not send the daily price to Atraveo/TuiVillas.
So what does this mean? It means that instead of sending the price, Atraveo/TuiVillas retrieves the price from Smoobu.
Smoobu does indeed sync pricing, but it is fetched / retrieved.
Base prices in Smoobu's Pricing tab will show as "N/A", and this is normal.
The guests are charged on Atraveo/TuiVilla according to your price based on your Smoobu Pricing tab (including mark-up).
To recap: Base prices are not displayed on Smoobu's Calendar - it will show as "N/A"
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