Introduction to Guest Guide - Creating a guest experience 🎥



  • Astrid and Mark Beston

    Does the review button only come up if guests have booked through Airbnb or

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  • Agne Butvilaite

    The name of the property in the guest app should be the same as "marketing name" on the website.

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  • Janina and Simon Gatt

    I agree with Agne Butvilaite that the the name of the property in the guest app should be the same as "marketing name" on the website.

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  • Marianne

    Thanks for your feedback! 

    The property name which appears on the Guest App should be set in your account's settings - booking tool - property name. You can definitely enter there a longer marketing name, such as the Website's marketing name. We recommend a name which is not longer than 40 characters.

    Regarding the review button, it is available for all bookings but it is not yet connected to the booking portals reviews. We will have more news about this feature in the future. 


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  • Agne Butvilaite

    Thanks, Marianne.

    One more adjustment to the Guest App. The weather is not visible when the guest's language is not English (for example Lithuanian). I think that if there is no translation for the weather in that language, English should be shown.

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  • Villa Hygge


    It would be great if a different language could actually be selected from a dropdown. If we already did the work to translate the pages, why not have the option to select the other languages (just like on the web site)? Many of our guests are multi lingual and the booking language may not necessarily be the preferred one. 

    Thank you for your consideration.



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  • Jason Andre

    Great features. Would be good to get a little more control in the editor, like the ability to add HTML, but it's pretty flexible as is.

    On reviews - it would be good to be able hide the internal reviews module if it was an airbnb booking. A bit like how you can when organising messages.

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  • Jamie Skojec

    Would love an easier way to customize the guestbook for each property. Having to add in duplicate sections with custom content (wifi password, security camera info, "about the area," etc.) and then assigning those to a single property feels inefficient, and makes it way too easy to accidentally overwrite a section for existing properties when trying to customize for a new one. It also means those sections wind up with property-based designations in their headings, because otherwise every duplicate "about the area" section looks the same in the backend.

    I think it would be better if the guest guide could be a standard, duplicable template with the same info in each, subject to tweaks, that would be assigned to a property, with automated name fields for each guest who stays in that property.

    Also, we need to be able to change the header image on a per-property basis! I have properties in multiple cities, and I can't do a skyline image for each like I would like. 

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  • Caitriona

    Hi Jamie

    Thank-you for taking the time to reach out to us with this suggestion. We are always improving our software, so your feedback is appreciated.

    I have added your request to our Feedback Board for our Product Team's consideration. While I can't assure you we will add this functionality in the near future, please know it has been passed on.

    Kind regards

    Caitriona from Smoobu 

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  • Jon Scanlon

    How do I order the individual section pieces I'm adding in?
    For example, my Checkout Instructions appear up top, way before the WiFi and Parking/Check in instructions. That doesn't make a lot of sense of course as the Guest isn't going to need the Checkout instructions until much later, and wants to read those last.
    Am I missing something?



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