If you have followed steps 1, 2 and 3 as per Smoobu's instructions but your room ID is not available for mapping, this troubleshooting guide is for you.
Please double check if you have already:
1. Selected Smoobu as your Channel Manager on Booking Extranet - Account - Connectivity provider ✔️
2. Accepted the full connection to Smoobu ✔️
3. Provided your Booking.com Property ID number to Smoobu in Settings > Booking Portals > Edit Booking.com or here ✔️
You are stuck in step 4. In this step, you should assign your Booking.com room IDs to your Smoobu bookable unit's name.
If you click on Not connected and no listing (room ID) is available for mapping, you might have not defined a cancellation policy in your Booking.com rate plan yet.
Since recently Booking.com does not longer automatically set a cancellation policy. Until you select one you will neither be able to connect this listing to your Smoobu account nor any other connectivity provider.
So if you have been unable to connect to Smoobu please do the following:
- Check if you have a cancellation policy set. In Booking.com Extranet go to “Rates & Availability” > “Rate Plans” > “Edit Policy”
- Select either preferred cancellation policy and save
- Go to Smoobu > Configuration > Booking Portals > Edit Booking.com
- Make sure you have your Property ID in Smoobu and click on “Reload”
- Map the unit
- Click on Save
- If you would like an initial opening of your calendar according to your calendar in Smoobu please submit a request. Do NOT open all availability on Booking.com unless you have no bookings.
If in doubt let us know. We will be happy to assist!
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The connection to booking.com is not working
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