With Smoobu you can automatically send your messages in your guest's language.
All you need to do is create a messaging template and use the translation function. By default the first message (template on the very top without a language option) is sent every time the guest's language is not translated.
In the scenario on the screenshot, all messages are sent in English, no matter if booking language is Italian, English or French.
Only guests with language German as their preferred language receive messages in German. Our recommendation is to always set English as your standard language and then create as many translated messages in all the other languages as you need.
For most bookings we automatically receive the guest's language from the portals. If you need to adapt the language you may do so in the booking details.
Step 1: Locate the booking
Go to Bookings tab or to your Calendar tab and search for a reservation
Step 2: Edit Language
Click on the booking's guest name - Edit.
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